
Pull up a chair at the Imperial Hearthstone group! We are welcoming to players of all abilities who enjoy Hearthstone, be-it rank 25 or legend players. Even if you’re not a hardcore ranked player you can still meet-up with like-minded people who love going face!

I’ll look to organise weekly meet-ups/fireside gatherings for people to come to and play Hearthstone, or just come for a general chat and refreshments. For you more avid competitors something that I want to push is getting Hearthstone back into NUEL, as I feel it’s a great eSport. If that’s not possible I’ll try and organise something more informal and local with other London universities so there can be more competitive opportunities to looks forward to in the Imperial Hearthstone calendar.

At the very least, there is the eSports varsity against UCL. We lost to them last year so I want to get our revenge. Even if you’re not competing, the varsity is a great event to attend- you don’t want to miss it!

I hope to see you soon at freshers fair or a fireside gathering!