Imperial CS is one of the smaller communities within the ICL eSports society, we have players of all skill levels, this is the place for fellow college CSGO players to gather and have fun playing the game.

We compete with other universities across the country in the National University Esports League (NUEL). This does not mean lower skilled players will be left out, all teams will be matched together on a similar ranked basis. The games will be challenging or easy, trying-hard or having a few laughs with the zeus or negev, it's all up to you (and your team of course). Our top team will participate in the yearly eSports varsity with UCL, obviously we deploy our best players so show us what you've got and you will have the chance to be live on LAN against UCL during varisity!

In addition to the above, we host LAN parties throughout the year, including our own 1v1 tournament on campus to determine once and for all who the 1v1 master is. Furthermore, we organise viewing parties for the World Championship final and given enough interest, can do the same for other smaller professional games. Lastly, we are still a growing community so if there is anything more you think we could do, let us know and we’ll try make it happen.